Friday 12 August 2016

11 Rules Of Visiting A New Mom

So, your friend just had a baby and you’re planning on visiting the newest member of the mom club?
You may probably not know, but there are some rules of visiting a new mom. No, we are not kidding.
Read on:

1. Wait to be invited
We Africans especially, when we hear our friend has a baby, we just up and go, not forgetting to take with us the ululations…Nah. New moms are tired and they need that mother-child bond especially in the very early days. Do not go when it’s convenient for you! Call prior to and find out when you can visit.

2. Do not visit when sick
Please. If you have a cold, a skin rash or whatever other forms of ailment there is out there, wait till you’re feeling better. Newborns have a weak immune system and are therefore vulnerable to diseases.

3. Leave your kids behind
If you plan on visiting a new mom with your three kids, it’s best to call the new mom before and ask her if it’s fine. The last thing a new mom needs is a bunch of kids running around the house messing everything up and making noise.

4. Bring food
Surely, you can’t go to visit a new mom and expect a feast party! More so from a mom who doesn’t have a nanny yet. Assume the role of the host, ask to help around the house and bring food so that you can all eat and save the new mom the hustle of going to the kitchen to cook for you and other guests.

5. Wash your hands
That’s the first thing you should do the minute you arrive. No mother wants germs near her newborn.

6. Wait to be offered the baby
New moms have very strong mother instincts and come off as very protective. The last thing they want is to see their baby being passed around from one guest to another and being kissed and touched and all…as much as your purpose of visiting was to see the baby, wait for the mother to offer you the baby, or at least ask in a kind way.

7. Don’t hog the baby
If you’re offered the baby, do not stay for hours with the baby. That’s baby hogging. Give it back to the mother after a few minutes.
Image: soups2nutsmedia

8. Do not offer unsolicited advice
If the new mom hasn’t asked for any advice from you, please keep your parenting tips to yourself. Don’t start saying how the baby needs an extra blanket or how the mom should hold the baby. No! This is a new mom…don’t make her feel like she’s doing a bad job already for pete’s sake.

9. Commenting on the baby’s name
Even if you think the baby’s name is as outrageous as North West, do not mention it. Seriously, it’s not the time and place.

10. Talk about something else other than the baby
Ask the new mom how she’s coping, heck, talk about Beyonce…anything else other than the baby. Don’t spend the whole time talking about the new-born. Entertain the mom a little bit.

11. Know when to leave
Don’t be the kind of guests who visit at 1.00pm and by 7.00pm they still haven’t left. Take hits and know when to leave. The new mom and baby need as much rest as they can get.

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